
You know how people throw trash out their windows on highways? Picture this in Georgia, but substitute food for garbage, and imagine the influences over many centuries. Silk road travelers, invaders, and neighbors all have left their culinary DNA here -- soup dumplings, meat kabobs, and flatbreads are just some of the cross-cultural dishes now beloved in Georgia.

Georgians are able to grow a lot of produce, including grapes, tea, and fruit, but their number one foodstuff is the walnut. You see it over and over again in savory and sweet dishes.

Khachapuri, a bread boat overflowing with cheese, is supposedly the national dish of Georgia. I suspect natives have feelings for this dish similar to San Franciscans who grit their teeth when people from out of town praise clam chowder in a sourdough bowl as a San Francisco treat. I made khachapuri for lunch for me and Jack, and it was tasty. Then for dinner I cooked chakhokhbili, a chicken fricasee with tomatoes, red bell pepper, cilantro, and jalapeno. Simple and delicious.

In this culinary journey I've fallen in love with the food from a few countries, and Georgia is one of those new obsessions. We'll revisit for sure.



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